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SATTA MATKA : Registration Page

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Terms and conditions

1. Registration and membership is open to all natural persons over eighteen years of age who have an interest in the creation and sharing of knowledge of Satta Matka tricks and tips. Users under eighteen years of age must not involve into these kinds of activity.
2. Each User shall only register once.
3. The User shall register online to become a Member of Satta Matka.
4. During the registration process, the User can, in addition, opt to become a Member of the website. Members of the website are Members of Satta Matka with additional accesses allowing them to participate in the guessing matka numbers and can use satta matka guessing forum.
5. Members of the website shall expressly accept Satta Matkas Statutes on registration and are bound to comply with them.
6. By registering with Satta Matka, the User accepts that most communications with Satta Matka and its Members will take place electronically.
7. It is the User’s responsibility to make sure that she/he has sufficient access to Internet to participate to the activities at the desired extent.
8. Satta Matka screens registration applications and reserves itself the right to reject a registration without stating the reasons.
9. Members of Satta Matka have access to a notification preferences page where they can define their preferences for the notifications sent to them by email. They have access to the Members Area and can participate in the various activities that are open to Members, depending on their role as a Guesser or not and their functions.
10. Upon registration, Members are required to supply their name, email address, mail address, mobile number, areas of interest and a password.
11. Members requesting register to be registered as guesser are required in addition to supply an knowledge of practicing guessing of satta matka. Satta Matkas team will verify that the member fulfils the necessary conditions for being registered as a guesser.
12. Satta Matka reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue individual services and/or sections of the Members Area, or all of them, at any time and without prior notice, in whole or in part. Satta Matka reserves the further right to limit or deny access to individual or all services, without prior notice at any time.